Mushroomplants Machinery composting Turkey

Composting For Mushroom Growing

Gokser produces and installs composting farms for the cultivation-mushroom sector. Composting equipments for mushroom farms and mushroom cultivation and all mechanical parts are manufactured in our Factory and exported to other countries with our experienced export department. Compost producers could also have the know how of composting and mushroom growing. Our purpose is to produce equipments, machines and all services which offers you the best projects with highest quality, profitability and  performance.

Process air control units have a crucial place in the the quality of kompost produced in the  compost production plants. According to capacity of the compast pasteurize rooms, process air control units are designed and operated sucsesfully for years with referance to the altitude of the area, location, humudity rate and geographical information etc.

Gokser kompost preparing rooms process air control sytems have some important factors different than the other standard air control units. First of all, whole system are designed from a special material which resist ammonia gas  comes out naturally  from kompost. Additionally, the system is composed of the material and components which resist the pasteurize-heat.

The radial ventilators in air control systems are manufactured as backward-severe curved blades and made up of a different material which coated by a special formula and resist to ammonia gas. By this way ammonia gas has no effects to the fan.

All system are designed to connect to the computerized control system. Computer control unit is optional. This control system sends signals from kompost pasteurized rooms to central control unit by sensors. The information about temperature, humudity, ammonia rate carbonmonoksit..etc can  received by these sensors.

According to these data getting from sensors, computer controls the process air control system and keeps the inputs at the optimum level during production. This causes to increase the yield and high quality of the kompost. As a result, the healthy and fruitful kompost is produced with less qualified man power, without any human fault, and at the lowest risks.

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